Login to Download Admit Card

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Note: Kindly print Hall Ticket and report to the Examination Center. Reporting Time is 9:15 AM and  entry is not permitted after 10:30 AM. Candidate cannot leave before 11:00 AM.

1. Your Admission to the Entrance test is provisional and is subject to fulfillment of eligibility conditions laid down by the University.
2. Please bring BLUE / BLACK Ball Point Pen for marking the Answers in the OMR Sheet..
3. Please retain your Admit Card with you.
4. Application form for admission to the programme will be rejected if.
      a) this admit card is not attachecd.
      b) the result card in original is not attached.You may retain a photocopy of the result card for your record.
5. Cell Phone, Pagers, Calculators, Electronic Gadgets are strictly prohibited inside the Examination hall.